2024: The Halfway Point

New Year’s is a time of self-renewal. We make resolutions, mostly to improve ourselves in an effort to be happier, more confident and more satisfied with one’s life. I know, 99% of the resolutions are of the lose weight/exercise variety, and 99% of THOSE don’t pan out. But I’d like to try for a more modest, perhaps more achievable resolution: I’m going to try to get a little bit of creative work accomplished every day that I’m home this year. It might be advancing a script, or drawing an illustration, or laying out/pasting up a publication…but it will be something. 

2024:The road ahead

Part of this resolution-ish stuff is accountability. Thus, I share this in the hopes that publicly acknowledging my efforts keep that accountability strong throughout the year.

The kids are all off doing their respective Scouting things, and my better half has a “non-remote” day today, so I have uninterrupted time to write. As the post linked above indicated, it’s really hard to write anything of substance when you are operating in bits and pieces. I don’t know about any other creatives, but I can’t make anything new of substance without lengthy, focused concentration.

So what have I done in 2024? Good question.

  • The publishing highlight, to be sure, is Strange Times #5. The “My Best Joke” anthology (Digital PDF – Paper copy) really turned out nice. Many, many thanks to everyone who participated. We made something special. April release.
  • Something in the Water #3 and #4 (available to read via my Instagram for free) came out. #4 (February release) was especially gratifying as I did that issue with nearly no digital augmentation. #3 came out right at the first of the year.
  • FANzine One and Two (Digital PDF: #1 – #2) also were released. Quick, clean, simple, fun. Also, a personal expansion of what fanzines can be. Zines ain’t just comics. One was a January release, and Two was April.
  • Lastly, on the comics/zine front, “Run For Your Life” (Preorder info here) finally was scheduled to see the light of day in Planet Comics #30 from Antarctic Press. This was a 2023 project for John Muller and me, but it’s still a late August 2024 release.  And there was some creative work done on the project this year, like the mini-poster promoting pre-orders. 

And I suppose I should throw in the updated Phoenix Productions catalog.  Which brings me to SPACE.

I spent a LOT of time (and money!) getting ready for SPACE, time that took me away from creative pursuits.  Does that count?  I suppose one could make an argument.  I still can’t believe that all of that effort blew up.  ARGH!

Enough dancing around the elephant in the middle of the room, watching Netflix and eating my chips.  Yes, I’m talking about FANzine Live

Some use pens, brushes, pencils or stylii.  I use a ring cam!

Kicked off on March 19, FANzine Live has been my primary creative outlet.  It’s required a level of discipline that I haven’t had in comics since returning to the scene.  Three videos a week.  Takes around 30-45 minutes to record them (with varying levels of prep time needed to brush up on the zines to be discussed).  Editing probably is another 30-45 minutes. 

The real time sink is in data transfer – from my phone to my computer, then from my computer to YouTube.  For three videos of less than 10 minutes each, it takes about five hours including editing.  I’ve sped it up a little by going back to the FTP knowledge well, but it’s still not very efficient.  But I’ve even found a rhythm to that — working on “life stuff” in between checking on data transfers.  That could be time spent on comics creation, but it’s been more about chores, attending to family needs, etc.  Important stuff, absolutely, but not comics or zines. 

(There has been a fair bit of foundational work, like creating the graphics, promotional pieces, etc. that wrap around my spotlight videos.  Nice thing about that is that, once they’re created, you can use them in perpetuity.)

YouTube tells me that I have 66 videos in inventory as I type this.  Just under 10 of them are promo “ads” for Phoenix titles and the like — videos not directly involving the stuff of discussing zines.  So let’s say 56 videos discussing zines, comics, etc.  Not bad. 

The challenge on the schedule is travel.  When I run out of town – taking kids to academic competitions, family vacation, etc. – I have to have videos banked and scheduled on YouTube.  Not a huge issue when I’m gone for a week, but I’ll be out of the country for three weeks in July.  It’s a mad dash to fill the inventory!  And while I’m now recording in a non-sequential manner (I did three Phoenix Spotlights yesterday, for example), I’m about halfway through July’s videos. 

That’s the logistics side.  Creatively, it’s been a blast.  I love talking about the zines that I’ve made, that others have made.  So much love went in to each and every one, and it feels great to celebrate that creative spirit.  So while I have a bit of self-imposed pressure to keep the schedule up, I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t so rewarding. 

FANzine Live is nothing I planned when I set my goals back in January.  So it’s not in the realm of the “create something every day” goal that I set.  I’m not writing like hoped, nor am I drawing.  But there’s no denying that there’s a ton of effort being expended.  I guess I’ll just take it as “creative effort” and keep truckin’ along. 

I hope you enjoy FANzine Live.  I’d love some feedback.  Big picture, I’m thinking of an overhaul at 100 videos.  I’m starting to run low on Phoenix zines to discuss (making a weekly Phoenix Spotlight impossible at some point), and my video creation skills have improved enough that I’m thinking a fresh look will be in order.

Looking ahead, here’s what’s on my amorphous production schedule.

  • Strange Times #6 is in the early planning stage.  It will be a creator spotlight, one that (again) irrationally excites me.  The first batch of raw content is in my hands, and I’m sorting through it.  Now, to design/lay out, fill in holes that develop, etc.  My hope is that this will be a Fall 2024 release.
  • Strange Times #7 is a tossup.  I have a theme in mind for a multi-contributor anthology.  I also have a 3×5 card filling up with ideas for a self-created anthology.  Which way will I go?  Not sure.
  • Heroes Now #5 is coming along.  I have one story in-house, and the other is nearing completion.  The cover needs some finishing touches.  I might need a pinup or two (anyone interested?).  But it’s  looking like a Fall 2024 release as well. 
  • I’m also laying groundwork for a more regular schedule on Heroes Now.  It’s an interesting challenge, seeing as I’m a hobbyist making comics with other hobbyists (at least when it comes to Phoenix Productions).  By definition, hobbies come after work, after family…after pretty much everything else.  So it’s not realistic to have a hard schedule.  
  • I was surprised at the United Fanzine Organization Award for Hologram: Counting the Days Book One.  Truthfully, I was blown away.  I had confidence in my story, but apparently it took the collected edition for folks to see what I was doing.  Taking that, and knowing what the last three issues of the arc involved, I felt that I needed to get the Hologram art duties back into more competent hands.  I’ve identified such a person (actually, he identified me), and it’s just a matter of time before it happens.  Will be worth the wait.
  • Something in the Water will happen when I decide to start drawing again.  Will it be Strange Times #7, or more SitW?
  • The Planet Comics experience has been a thrill.  Maybe I take another shot at getting my work on comics shop shelves again?  Never say never…
  • And then, other projects.  I’ve been invited to participate in a couple other anthology zines.  At present, I’m turning the offers down as I need to get my personal house (creatively speaking) in order.  

So yes, a few things are percolating in what I consider more traditional “creative” pursuits. 

That’s it.  Accountability statement published.  Thanks for your support, and here’s to a great second half of 2024!

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