FANzine Live: Week of June 8-14

John Muller. Me. Our LCS comics debuts.

Did I mention it’s John Muller art?

Pre-order Planet Comics #30 with Diamond code JUN241363 from your local comic shop, order through Previews Pullbox here, or get it from DCBS for a modest discount here.

Once I post this roundup, I’ll get to work on more videos. So still stuck at July 1, but I’ll have videos up through July 8 by the end of the day.

If you have a forthcoming zine and would like a review, please let me know as soon as possible so I can hold a calendar slot for you!

Let’s go over what happened at FANzine Live!

Strange Times #1 was covered a couple of weeks ago, which meant that the “two anthology” strategy was underway. This week’s Phoenix Spotlight covered the other side of the coin, Heroes Now #1.

So most all of my Phoenix hero-verse stuff will go in Heroes Now, and Strange Times will be the catch-all for everything else. Except for the minicomics. And, I guess, whatever else I decide to do differently. But most all hero stuff will go into Heroes Now.

For New Releases, I bemoaned that I didn’t have enough new releases to avoid looking at Bob Corby’s work for a second time in less than 55 videos…but hey, it’s Bob Corby’s OH, Comics #32! What a gorgeous zine. Follow me into the world of Dreams…

Finally, our Classic Zines video took a look at a sly parody of DC Comics’ Watchmen Artmen! Dan Burke is so good at humor comics.

Why don’t we see more parody/satire comics these days? Is everyone scared of lawyers? Oh well. Here’s my appreciation video:

But wait, there’s more!

I held off on my monthly comics shipment because my family vacation had me out of town…and I REALLY didn’t want to lose my comics to porch pirates. So they held off on May’s comics and threw in the front half of June’s.

NOW we’re done for the week. Which means it’s time to record new videos! Enjoy everyone, and thank you for watching.

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